Marketing for trucking companies is a game changer for the industry. With the current economy,...
How to claim your CarrierSource page
CarrierSource was created as a way to give carriers a voice and more resources to market their business. Claiming your profile on CarrierSource will open up new features for you as a carrier and an updated profile will stand out to the brokers and shippers viewing our site.
What does claiming your CarrierSource page mean?
Claiming your page is 100% free. It allows you to edit the information on your page and access our unique tools and metrics that will help you grow your business. You can add truck and shipment types, upload photos, respond to reviews, and more! Most importantly, claiming your CarrierSource page empowers you to share your unique story with thousands of brokers and shippers every month and ultimately maximize your bookings.
Not only will you be able to develop and broadcast your company’s personality, carriers who claim their page and update their information appear higher in search results, get more profile views, and are four times more likely to get contacted by new customers.
How to claim your CarrierSource page
- Search for and locate your business on our homepage (you can search by DOT, MC, or name)
- Once on your business page, click “Claim this profile”
- Fill out the prompts; type(s) of equipment you have and shipment(s) you run then submit it by selecting “Claim My Page”
- Verify your email address by clicking the verification link we sent to the email you have on file with the FMCSA
- Once your profile is successfully claimed a blue check mark will appear to show brokers and shippers that you are engaged on CarrierSource, the information is updated, and you care about their feedback
- Access your personal dashboard to update your profile information to help brokers & shippers easily find you when searching for specific carrier needs

Navigating your dashboard & updating your company information:
The overview tab will give you an idea of how often your CarrierSource profile is getting noticed. The brokerage views will show you what day any logged in, verified broker on our site viewed your page and/or contact information.
Your profile tab has some of the most important information to update. This is where you have the opportunity to share about your business. Anything you would want potential customers to know; history, experience, equipment, values, and so on should go into the “Company Description” box
Also, check off all of your truck types, shipment types, and specialized services on this page (if none of the specialized services apply you can select “none”). Updating this information is important because it allows the brokers & shippers searching for a specific truck type, shipment type, or specialty to find your business!
Next, you’ll see the contact information and website URL that appears on your profile. Make sure that it is up to date so people can reach out to you.
Lane Information
By keeping your lane information up to date, you’ll ensure brokers and shippers can find you, which will get you more loads in the routes that you prefer. Go through the three tabs; Operation States, Preferred Lanes, and Terminals to fill out this information.
With your CarrierSource profile, you now have the ability to gather reviews from your customers to showcase all the great work you do. We've created a direct link for you to share with customers so they are sent straight to your company’s review form. Click “Read More” to get access to your unique link & an email template to assist with asking for reviews!
In this tab you can also respond to reviews! This is a great opportunity for you to show brokers & shippers that you are always working on improving your business & value their feedback. Taking the time to respond professionally to reviews, no matter positive or negative, can make a huge impact for someone considering working with you.
Hire Drivers
Brokers and shippers are looking for carriers on CarrierSource, and so are drivers! Give drivers insight on what it’s like working for your company by posting any open driver jobs on your CarrierSource profile.Draft the job postings at your leisure, and save them to come back to before posting. When you’re ready for the job to go live just hit “Create Job Posting” and any driver coming to your page will be able to see that you are hiring & read through the position.
Media & Downloads, Advertise Your Business, Email Truck Lists, Website
As you can see, some of the sections are only available to Startup or Premium Carriers. We offer many different features to market your business and get more brokers & shippers viewing your profile! You can learn more about the features & pricing of our subscriptions here: CarrierSource Subscription Options.